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    SALUSTIA 165'  - 2008  - Karl More Productions

    An Italian opera composed by Jean-Baptiste Pergolèse in 1731.

    Salustia loves without restraint. In the face of fate and in particular her role as wife to the emperor Alessandro, she seems to draw on every drop of memory, finesse and imagination she possesses. She never judges, always understands and sometimes marvels. She is to some extent the embodiment of clear-sightedness, equanimity, the gift of tears, generosity, devotion, sacrifice, silence and courage unto death. Her ambition is to grapple with every regret, every feeling of remorse and every question.
Her goodness often put to the test throughout the opera, set in a somewhat enigmatic Rome filled with vanity, power and duplicity.  History, as all women know, remains the official prerogative of men; to become part of it without being crushed by its workings one has to dissemble, be cunning, make powerful allies, bestow favours, seduce, corrupt, punish and know when it is time to leave the stage.
In all this, Salustia is a woman of today.


    Conceived and directed by: Jean-Paul Scarpitta

    Performed by :

    La Capella della Pietà de’ Turchini,

    Conducted by: Antonio Florio

    Maria Ercolano (Salustia), Raffaella Milanesi (Giulia), José Maria Lo Monaco (Alessandro), Cyril Auvity (Claudio), Marina De Liso (Marziano), Valentina Varriale (Albina)

    Technical sheet Infos Pictures Videos
    version Music / concert support HD producer Karl More Productions director Benjamin Bleton