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  • Contact +33 1 71 13 01 00 or sandrine.frantz@lukarn.fr
    THE GOLDEN YEARS OF THE AUTOMOBILE 6 x 70'  - 2023 - 2016  - Thematics Prod / Imagissime / Plaj Productions

    This documentary collection plunges us into the most fascinating industrial adventure of the last 130 years: that of the motor car, an incredible instrument of freedom, which revolutionised people’s lifestyles at the end of the 19th century.

    The cars that have been successful are the markers of each era. Some have become iconic, some works of art, which reflect the expertise and culture of each of the countries in which they were created: France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and the United States.

    “The Golden Years of Motoring” brings these machines and their inventors back to life, revealing their history, their secrets, great and small, and the key role that they play to this day in the evolution of technology, design and Western society in general.



    The Golden Years of the French Automobile, part 1 (60’) - 2016

    From 1873 to 1945: it’s a little-known fact, but the motor car is a French invention! The first steam-powered vehicles appeared in France in the 1870s and the country was home to hundreds of manufacturers, including several of international renown, such as Peugeot, Renault, Panhard and De Dion-Bouton, which were all fully invested in the race for innovation.


    The Golden Years of the French Automobile, part 2 (60’) - 2016

    From 1945 to the present day: it was during the thirty glorious years of economic growth after the end of the Second World War that the French motor industry showed itself to be at its most daring and inventive. It accompanied and sometimes even accelerated the evolution of society by creating cult models, forever inscribed in the collective memory.


    The Golden Years of the German Automobile (70’) - 2022

    From the first petrol vehicles in history, created by Benz and Daimler in the 1890s, to Ferdinand Porsche’s legendary Beetle, Germany reigns over the luxury car market. Mercedes, BMW, Audi… brands that have earned a reputation for technical excellence, robustness and reliability.


    The Golden Years of the Italian Automobile (70’) - 2022

    Fiat, Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Maserati, Lamborghini, Lancia… Italy has long been one of the most creative carmakers in the world. A benchmark for design and technical innovation.


    The Golden Years of the British Automobile (70’) - 2023

    The United Kingdom’s automotive heritage is exceptional. It includes some of the world’s most prestigious luxury and sports brands, as well as more accessible, atypical cars that have marked every era.


    The Golden Years of the Amarican Automobile (70’) - 2023

    From Ford, the company that made owning a car accessible to everyone, to Tesla, today’s leader in electric vehicles, the United States has been the home of the automobile for more than a century.


    Technical sheet Infos Pictures Videos
    version Français + M&E support HD producer Thematics Prod / Imagissime / Plaj Productions director Matthieu Valluet, Jean-Joël Gurviez, Nicolas Schumacher