On August 9th1945, a sixteen year old postman is delivering mail when the atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki. In his book “The Postman of Nagasaki” published in 1984, Peter Townsend describes not only Sumiteru Taniguchi’s struggle to survive but also the horrifying consequences he endured afterwards.
More than thirty years later, Peter’s daughter Isabelle, discovers that Taniguchi is still alive and remembers her father’s book which captivated her when it was first published. Motivated to go and meet him, she looks for correspondence in her father’s study and finds voice memo recordings from his last trip to Japan in 1982.
When she learns of Taniguchi’s death, she embarks, recordings in hand, on a trip to Nagasaki. She retraces her father’s footsteps and discovers the lessons it holds for her life today. She realizes to what extent his work raised awareness for peace.