A unique and captivating artistic experience, where the timeless music of Claude Debussy meets modern instruments and contemporary expressions.
This bold creation offers an unprecedented fusion of jazz, classical music, rap, slam, and dance, transporting the audience into a singular and mesmerizing atmosphere.
With the dynamic performance of hip-hop dancer Rotha Alex Tuy, the powerful words of rapper-slam poet Kohndo Assogba, and the grooving bass of Ruben Levy, this evening promises to redefine the boundaries between artistic genres.
A vibrant tribute to Debussy, reimagined through a modern and universal interpretation.
Recorded during the Autumn Festival at L’Ilyade.
Florent Segaud – Drummer / Lyricist / Composer / Arranger
Louis Dugué Castelli – Piano
Ruben Levy – Bass
Alex Rotha Tuy – Dancer
Kohndo Assogba – Rapper / Slam Poet / Storyteller