I'm going to the ends of the earth. But how long will I last?
My name is Antoine Leclaire, I'm 23, I'm a JRI, I live in Paris, I like my little comforts, my nights out and my Parisian life. However, I decided to take on the craziest challenge of my young life: to set off, with only my camera to accompany me, to discover some of the most remote areas of the world.
Dozens of days of travel, walking and sailing, far from the comforts I've always known, to reach a destination isolated from everything and (almost) everyone.
I'm going to immerse myself in this new environment.
In a world where we travel faster and faster, where everything seems closer, some places are still very difficult to reach. Places where some choose (or not) to live far from the globalization and ultra-connected societies we know today.
“I'm going to go, ALONE, where no camera has gone before, to the most remote places on the planet.
No return date, and a challenge: to stay as long as possible. How long will I stay? Two weeks? A month? Two months? Never return?
I don't know. I'll go to the end of myself, TO THE END OF THE WORLD.”
Antoine Leclaire - Director