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    BIBLE, in the beginning 35 x 4’  - 2017  - BAYARD

    The bible as you have never read, heard, seen it !

    The great Old Testament stories made accessible. Totally contemporary, written in today’s language. When we tell Bible stories, we are always talking about the worlds we live in : migrations, wars, passions and power, fratricide, jealousy, betrayal and death…

    From the novice to the initiated, each one will discover or rediscover those 3000 year-old stories that have so greatly influenced our culture.


    Ep 1 - Creation or The First Words.

    How the world was created from the first day to the seventh, including light, stars, and the Earth, up to the dawn of the garden and its inhabitants . . .

    Ep 2 - The Garden or Why Leave Paradise?

    Adam and Eve lived in harmony in the Garden of Eden. Until the day that the snake suggested that they take a bite of the fruit from the tree of knowledge, the only thing they'd been told not to eat . . .

    Ep 3 - Cain and Abel or Murderous Jealousy

    Cain and Abel were brothers. One worked the soil while the other herded livestock. The day that God liked Abel's offerings better than his, Cain went mad with rage . . .

    Ep 4 - Noah or The Last Temptation of God

    God was in despair over the violent state of the world, his creation. Before wiping clean the face of the Earth, God asked Noah, a good man, to build an ark to shelter two of every species alive.

    Ep 5 - Babel, the Tale of Totalitarian Folly

    Afraid of their diversity, the people decided to speak in a single voice and head in a single direction. This took the form of a building of unprecedented proportions, a tower that would touch the stars . . .

    Ep 6 - Abraham, or The Call to Separation

    Among the inhabitants of the Earth, there was a man, Abraham, who heard a mysterious voice that told him to leave everything behind, land and family, and head into the unknown. Abraham began a long journey that led him into Egypt . . .

    Ep 7 - Abraham and Sarah or Laughter Made Flesh

    Abraham and his wife Sarah continued their journey, believing the promise that they would one day have their own land and many descendants. Then they realized that they were going to have a child. Impossible! They were each almost a hundred years old . . .

    Ep 8 - Sodom or Devastating Inhospitality

    God decided to destroy Sodom, a magnificent city basking in opulence but that ignored a sacred principle: hospitality, the welcoming of strangers. Abraham had a heart-to-heart with God and made a deal . . .

    Ep 9 - Abraham and Isaac or The Test of the Ties of Blood

    One day the mysterious voice asked Abraham to take his beloved son Isaac high up onto a mountaintop and sacrifice him. His heart heavy, Abraham obeyed and prepared to sacrifice his son.

    Ep 10 - Jacob and Esau or The Bite of Reconciliation

    The older, Esau, was strong and loved hunting and feasting; he was his father's favorite. The younger, Jacob, was more frail and was his mother's favorite. Tension mounted between the twins and exploded the day that Jacob tricked his father, disguising himself as Esau . . .

    Ep 11 - Jacob's Combat or Hand to Hand with God

    Jacob fled in the face of this brother's wrath. But God promised him his protection. Until the day that Esau's army came to defy Jacob.

    Ep 12 - Joseph in Egypt

    Joseph was an amazing interpreter of dreams. This ability set him apart. And made his eleven brothers hate him; they decided to sell him off as a slave. Joseph ended up in Egypt, where an unexpected destiny awaited him at the Pharaoh's side . . .

    Ep 13 - Joseph and his Brothers or The Man Who Fraternized

    Having become rich and powerful, Joseph one day saw his brothers begging for food in Egypt. Joseph began by throwing them into prison . . .

    Ep 14 - Moses or The First to Learn the Name of God

    The Pharaoh became alarmed by the growing number of Hebrew slaves and decided to throw all the newborn boys into the Nile. One baby escaped; he was rescued and raised at court by the Pharaoh's own daughter.

    Ep 15 - The Liberation of the People or The Night of the Passage

    The Hebrew people suffered more and more under the yoke of the Pharaoh, despite the opposition of Moses, who had God on his side. Until the moment that God struck the land and people of Egypt . . .

    Ep 16 - The Ten Commandments or The Road to Freedom

    Freed from Egypt, the Hebrew people suffered in the desert, complaining to Moses that they were wandering. So Moses went up to the top of a mountain in search of the laws of God . . .

    Ep 17 - The Golden Calf or The Invisible Led Astray

    It was a long time before Moses returned with God's law, and his people, anxious at his absence, decided to make a statue of gold that they could worship. Moses' anger upon his return was terrible . . .

    Ep 18 - Jericho or The Bloody Saga of Land Acquisition

    Joshua wanted to lead the Hebrew people to the shores of the promised land. But the ramparts of Jericho, a hostile and impenetrable fortified city, stood in the way. Rahab, a prostitute of that city, thought of a way to help Joshua's army . . .

    Ep 19 - Ruth or The Enchanted Harvest

    Ruth, a young foreigner, had lost everything—her husband, her family, her country. Newly arrived in Bethlehem, she worked in the wheat fields. Boaz, a wealthy landowner, fell in love with her . . .

    Ep 20 - Samson and Delilah or The Indomitable Judge

    Israel was at war with the Philistines. Samson, the Israeli hero, was a warrior like no one had ever seen before. His only weakness was his love of women. One day, he fell in love with Delilah, a spy who was working for the Philistines . . .

    Ep 21 - Samuel and Saul or The Coronation of the First King

    The Hebrew people, like all people, wanted a king. So God asked the prophet Daniel to find a suitable person. He found Saul, a poor, simple young man . . .

    Ep 22 - David and Goliath or The Rebellious Child

    A Philistine warrior, a true giant three meters tall, was wreaking havoc in Saul's armies. The warrior proposed a duel with a Hebrew champion, with the winner bringing victory to his side. David, a young shepherd, armed with a simple slingshot, rose to the occasion.

    Ep 23 - David and Bathsheba or Crime, Punishment, and Absolution

    King Saul died and David succeeded him as head of the country, which was being destroyed by inter-clan warfare. One day, David saw Bathsheba and fell in love with her. But she was the wife of his best warrior . . .

    Ep 24 - Elijah at Horeb or God's Almost-Silence

    Elijah was a prophet of God. No matter what he did or said, he was rejected and threatened with death. He fled into the desert, in despair over his mission and his life . . .

    Ep 25 - Love Scenes or Love as Strong as Death

    Solomon, the wise king of Israel, wanted to understand the mystery of love. He thought he could solve it with the help of the Shulamite, one of the many women he was in love with . . .

    Ep 26 - Solomon and the Queen of Sheba or The Wisdom and Twilight of a King

    Solomon, the king of Israel, honored the word of his father David, and built a temple to God at Jerusalem. News of this great king attracted a foreign queen to the city. She wanted to learn more of Solomon's wisdom . . .

    Ep 27 - Visions of Isaiah or A Mysterious Liberator

    The kingdom of Israel had been devastated by powerful armies. Isaiah, a prophet who had survived and was living in Jerusalem, announced the coming of a liberator and of better times, but no one would listen to him . . .

    Ep 28 - Ezekiel's Visions or The Speech of One Mad-with-God

    The court of the King of Israel was in exile in Babylon. Among those deported was a strange man, Ezekiel, who claimed that God allowed him to travel across space and time. And his visions were terrifying . . .

    Ep 29 - Jonah or The Sadness of a Minor Prophet

    God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh, an enemy city, to preach. But Jonah dodged the mission and headed off in the opposite direction. En route, a tempest put an enormous fish in his path.

    Ep 30 - A Psalm or The Song of a Survivor

    This is the story of a small man, rejected, suspected, and abandoned by all, who, despite everything, continued to search for hope . . .

    Ep 31 - Job or The Scandal of Innocence

    Following a strange bet between God and and an evil being, the Negator, Job, a rich man, good and loved, lost everything he valued, from his wealth to his health . . . He raised his voice against God . . .

    Ep 32 - Esther or The Inversion of Fate

    The exiled Jewish people were hidden in a foreign land. In one of their communities, Nineveh in Persia, lived Esther, a young woman hidden with her people and persecuted. But Ahasuerus, the Persian king, discovered her beauty . . .

    Ep 33 - Tobit or Hope is a Novel

    Tobit, a blind man in exile, tells the story of his son, Tobias, who married a woman seven times widowed, always on her wedding night. On the road of his trials, there suddenly appeared Azariah, an angel . . .

    Ep 34 - Return from Exile or Jerusalem, the New City

    The people of Israel finally returned to the land of their ancestors. Jerusalem was reconstructed, but above all, they had to gather everyone's memories and stories in order to create new bonds to hold the once-dispersed community together.

    Ep 35 - Daniel or There's no End without a Tomorrow

    The prophet Daniel had devastating visions of the future in which one realm of horror succeeded another. And then he got a little help from an angel . . .

    Technical sheet Infos Pictures Videos
    version French, English, M&E support HD producer BAYARD director Sean Mc Cormack author Frédéric Boyer & Serge Bloch