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    GAFAM & Multinationals: why billionaires don’t pay tax ?

    This film is a richly illustrated critical examination of the perils of international tax competition, the mechanism behind tax injustices and the erosion of public finances. This movie exposes a tax game where all countries are losing, and it reveals a very important unknown fact that will change the history of globalization. It is crucial to watch this movie presently as countries are facing public finance crises.

    This movie reunites 20 tax leaders of the world. So, you will find the opinion of leftist experts like Nobel Prize Joseph Stiglitz and Dr. Mariana Mazzucato, as well as the opinion of libertarians like Reagan and Trump economic advisor Dr. Arthur Laffer. Because tax is primarily a political question, the movie also presents the perspective of the ministers of Finances of France and Sweden. The interviews have been filmed mostly during the first global lockdown of the Spring 2020 and it gives uniqueness and authenticity to the movie.

    Technical sheet Infos Pictures Videos
    version French, English, M&E support HD producer TaxCOOP director Brigitte ALEPIN