Malprat: “bad meadow” in Gascon. The island of Malprat is a legendary hunting spot, often mentioned by Rene Dupeyron and Dr. Rocher in their tales of snipe and duck hunting. Located in the beautiful Leyre delta in the Arcachon basin, Malprat became the property of the Conservatoire du Littoral in 2006 and is managed by the municipality of Biganos.
Hunting still takes place here, and hunters now coexist with nature guides leading small groups of birdwatchers behind them, passerine ringers commissioned by the National Museum of Natural History, and a farmer with a truly rustic herd of cattle. One might think this would be problematic, and that everyone would get in each other’s way. But spending time with each group shows us that things are a little different here, and that everyone benefits in some way – even nature!
Hunting ducks and snipe on the wing, a meeting with Michel Lapeyre who farms these waterlogged lands, ringing passerines, an explanation of the new managers’ plans all feature, certainly. But far from carrying out an investigation, the writer accomplishes his desire to portray Malprat and its history with all the romance and exoticism inherent in this remote spot in the Bay of Biscay.