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    PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY : Italian music for the Sun King, a concert for Mazarin 61'  - 2011  - Karl More Productions

    Concert given in 2010 in Lyon by the Ensemble La Fenice, under the direction of Jean TUBERY, with counter-tenor Philippe JAROUSSKY.


    - "Toccata seconda" by Marco Uccellini

    - "Sumite psalmum" by Alessandro Grandi

    - "Madre non mi far monaca" (anonymous)

    - "Partite sopra La Monica" by Girolamo Frescobaldi

    - "Blessed is my soul" (anonymous)

    - "O quam clemens et pia" by Francesco Foggia

    - "Trumpets and drums of France made against the taking of Maastricht" by Francesco Corbetta

    - "Acclamate de terra" by Maurizio Cazzatti

    - "Sancta Maria" by Claudio Monteverdi

    - "Laudate pueri" by Nicolo Fontei

    - "Passacaglia" by Luigi Rossi's Lord Luigi

    - "In caligine umbrosa" by Giovanni Battista Bassani

    - "Cum dederit ", taken from Antonio Vivaldi's Nisi Dominus


    In 2003, the La Fenice Ensemble gave a promising young counter tenor the leading role in the Morte Delusa.
A recording was made of the rising star’s recital.
Seven years later, Philippe Jaroussky rejoins his former teacher, Jean Tubéry, and La Fenice in Lyon for a mouth-watering programme of baroque music to celebrate the ensemble’s 20th anniversary !
A Concert For Mazarin, created by Jean Tubéry, provides an opportunity to hear works by Frescobaldi, Monteverdi, Rossi, Bassani and Cazzatti.
Mazarin played an important role in the popularization of Italian music in France in the 17th century. From the time of his nomination to the post of prime minister to his death, he promoted a skilful “Italianising” campaign, attracting the most illustrious musicians, composers and performers to the Court.


    PHILIPPE JAROUSSKY : Italian music for the Sun King, a concert for Mazarin
    Technical sheet Infos Pictures Videos
    version Music / concert support HD producer Karl More Productions director Benjamin Bleton