This first live action show follows the epic adventure experienced by Maya and Olympe (aged 7 and 10) along with their family. For one whole year, they travel across Europe on their way to the Middle East, on board a double-decker bus that serves as home and school, all in one! In every episode, we discover a new country through Maya and Olympe’s eyes. They also describe the various unfamiliar and challenging situations they come across daily.
This incredible “kids’ road trip” takes us on a tour of 5 Eastern European countries, as well as Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Greece and the Balkans.
1 - Welcome to the Odyssebus
2 - Welcome to Germany
3 - Welcome to the Czech Republic
4 - Welcome to Slovakia
5 - Welcome to Hungary
6 - Welcome to Romania
7 - Welcome to Turkey
8 - Welcome to Egypt
9 - Welcome to Iran