Extreme Adventure is a collection of 52-minute docu-reality shows, which take an original look at remote parts of the planet.
In this action-packed show developed by Puzzle Media, Taïg Khris turns reporter, explorer and witness as he tries his hand at some spectacular traditional activities. Living ...
Proverbs from around the World
“Proverbs from around the world” is a series of short one minute clips.
Each episode portrays a man, woman or child in their country, as they recite a proverb from their culture and comment on its meaning.
An immersive journey around the world, its usages and cultures, original and intimate throug...
The Marquises Awakening
In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the Marquise Islands have just emerged from colonial ethnocide, and the population is now striving to re-conquer its roots and build itself a new future.
The 7the Marquises Islands Festival, the Matavaa, which is held every four years, allows the Polynesian people...
A man travels on his own through Chile, searching for another man captured in a photograph he found in a Parisian street 10 years previously.
Why Chile? Because you have to start somewhere...
This absurd quest is the starting point for an incredible journey, filled with people who just might have se...
Igor is journalist in Vladivostok. One day he decides to do what no other Russian would ever think of doing and cross the country from Moscow to Vladivostok at the wheel of an old Lada Gigulli.
Not only is this 12,000 km, eight-week odyssey an extraordinary adventure, but a chance for Igor to see w...
One Week in Parajuru
Parajuru is a fishing village located on the north-east coast of Brazil. For three years, a wealthy Austrian, Giselle, has been investing there for developing tourism: buying lands, building houses and a luxury hotel... Gisi, as she is called there, acts in the economic field but also carries out so...
Where does our need for elsewhere, traveling and adventure come from? What are we expecting from these definitive or momentary exiles ending up sometimes in unfulfilled expectations? Where do they lead us?
Almost ten years after his first trip in Patagonia, Fabrice Marquat, “motorbike-film maker”, ...
Welcome to Paradise
Today, the mention of the name “Tahiti” inevitably conjures up pictures of a dream world. These tropical islands are by no means ordinary, and continue to fuel our collective imagination. But at this moment in time, caught between French rule and independence, between tradition and modernism, the Po...
Born in The Comoros, Bush finds his way every day through the forest, machete in his hand, in this hostile environment. The jungle, he knows it by heart.
Bush has dedicated himself to the preservation of a rare species of bats, Livingstone’s fruit bats. Around only 700 of them are still living toda...
Moroni Harbour, on the Grande Comore Island…
Mahmoud Mradabi, sixty years old, is a real businessman. He is managing the most important fisheries of the country hiring 25 fishermen fishing between 2 and 8 tons of fish per month. This retired military born in The Comoros has now chosen to work in the...