HOLTANNA, the Antarctic Adventure
In the heart of the Antarctic, at the foot of the Holtanna mountain range, in the land of Queen Maud, four adventurers, all mountain professionals, are attempting to make the first base jump on the continent.
Amongst them are Géraldine Facnacht, professional snowboarder and base jumper; Sébastien C...
Taïg Khris at the Eiffel Tower : behind the scenes
On may 29th 2010, Taïg Khris took up a crazy challenge : a roller jump from the 1st floor of the emblematic Eiffel tower in Paris and won the world record of roller jumps : more than 40 meters !
Why this 34-years-old men wanted to achieve such a crazy thing ? How did he physically and mentally get p...
The Pole Finistere Course au Large from Foret-Fouesnant. A place where all the last three winners of the Vendée Globe, Route du Rhum and Solitaire du Figaro races are coming from...
During a year, we will follow a whole trainings session with 3 young skippers next to their famous elders.
Through t...
“Les yeux dans les bleus” ski freestyle version !
Last January, young French skier Xavier Bertoni, joined the extreme sports’ legends by wining the golden medal at Winter X Games of Aspen, in Colorado.
Gold Riders reveals us for the first time the wings of this feat and the atmosphere of a big inter...
Te Parataito no Malik
The death of Malik Joyeux four years ago turned him into a legend in Tahiti and throughout the surfing world, his adopted universe. For those in the know, his name is synonymous with a mythical place: Teahupoo, the wave that sublimated and transcended him, which gave him many magical moments and wit...
Broad Peak redraws the adventure of 6 mountain dwellers, followers of base jump, the most extreme discipline of the parachuting, who, during 8 weeks, went to Earth of Baffin in the Arctic Circle. Their objective : jump the famous big walls, the world’s highest cliffs which emerge from icefield.
The Spirit of the Canoe
Rocked by the festive atmosphere and the breathtaking images of the biggest canoe race in the world, the Hawaïki Nui Va’a, we shall gradually discover the existence of the spirit of the canoe. Matahi Brightwell is today building a double canoe, baptized the Hawaïki Nui 2, which will link the Christm...